
posted in Viruses
Thursday, June 12 2014, 12:12 PM
hi Tomas! this is tony again.. I am allmost sure that the hardware is fine cause I took it to a specialist and verified it for bad sectors. the only little problem that it has is one ram memory out of 2 and it sometimes shuts down. it was running ok with only one ram (a smaller one) when i reinstalled windows the last time.
can u recommend me a progr which scans it for hardware? which in my opinion is not the thing that makes it so slow.. but I am realy not a comp specialist.
Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, June 12 2014, 12:40 PM - #permalink
    Hi tony, well your slow computer problems must be related to hardware (that's having in mind you have properly reinstalled Windows), malware or viruses don't survive the procedure of formatting and Windows reinstall...

    You could check if your RAM memory has errors by following these steps:

    1. Open the Start Menu and type in mdsched.exe, then press enter.
    2. From a pop-up select "restart your machine and check the memory right now".
    3. Check if memory diagnostic tool finds any errors.
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