Please help, it has been sitting in my Google chrome and steam, for like ever :(

Accepted Answer

Tuesday, June 10 2014, 06:18 AM - #permalink
Hi Erick, if you are having problems with the removal of "Coupon Downloader" adware from Google Chrome you should use this removal guide - https://www.pcrisk.com/computer-technician-blog/general-information/7734-remove-chrome-extension-installed-by-enterprise-policy

In some cases "Coupon Downloader" installs on Google Chrome as a "Managed Extension" (Installed by Enterprise Policy) in this case it gets a bit more complicated removing it.

After completing the steps provided in the removal guide scan your computer with Malwarebytes Antimalware and Spyhunter - https://www.pcrisk.com/top-spyware-removers
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