my jpeg and Cr2 extension change

posted in General
Thursday, November 01 2018, 10:04 PM

my jpeg and cr2 file change extension like(sample.jpeg.datawait and sample cr2.datawait)

i already format and reinstall windows and make new partitions.

all jpeg and crs file in my external hard disk .file cant open

please give me a salution.
thank you

Accepted Answer

Wednesday, November 14 2018, 10:32 AM - #permalink
Hello Muhammad,

Unfortunately, it looks like your data has been encrypted by a ransomware-type virus called DataWait. This malware is designed to compromise data so that cyber criminals (DataWait's developers) would be able to make ransom demands in exchange for decryption.

Now completely cleaning the system (formatting disks, reinstalling operating system and so on) will only eliminate the malware. The problem is that files will still remain encrypted. Cracking ransomware encryptions is virtually impossible and DataWait is no exception - there are no tools capable of decrypting files compromised by this malware. The only thing you could do is restore everything from a backup, if you have one. Since you've already performed a complete system cleanup, you have nothing to worry about - the system is safe.

When it comes to external hard disk, the malware may still be hiding in there. Therefore, you should scan it with a reputable anti-spyware suite. Some ransomware-type viruses encrypt only certain file formats (e.g., jpg, mp3, avi, and so forth). Hence, there's a chance that some of the data in your external drive has been left untouched. If that is not the case, you should consider formatting it as well, since the data is lost either way.

If you're willing to contact DataWait's developers and pay a ransom, we highly recommend to reconsider that. Cyber criminals are very likely to scam victims, which means that you'll get nothing once the payment is submitted. In other words, you'll simply support their malicious business and get nothing in return.

Besides, if, by any chance, you remember how exactly did DataWait infiltrated your computer, I would really like to know.

I hope that helps.

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