How can I remove buythatke or makkhichoose from my chrome browser? I get lot of useless graphs & prices on flipkart.com or amazon.in etc. I cannot delete it & I do not know how it came on my computer in the office. Please help !!

Accepted Answer

Friday, September 12 2014, 05:53 AM - #permalink
Hi Rekha, your computer is infected with adware - most commonly such infections come from free software downloads. To eliminate the unwanted ads first check your Control Panel for suspicious applications (look for entries similar to "YoutubEAdBloCke", "GS_Booster", "GS_Sustainer", etc.), if present uninstall them. After that restart your computer and try removing the potentially unwanted browser plugins from your Google Chrome. You can try using this removal guide - https://www.pcrisk.com/removal-guides/8276-gosave-ads

After this procedure scan your computer with Malwarebytes Antimalware and Spyhunter, both of these programs are good at detecting and eliminating adware infections.
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Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Sai Gaddam
    Sai Gaddam
    Saturday, September 13 2014, 04:04 AM - #permalink
    Hi Rekha, founder of company behind MakkhiChoose here. Sorry to hear that you are having a lot of junk show up in your browser. We can assure you that it is not from MakkhiChoose. We only add one simple tag to the left side of the page. You can click on the how it works button here to see that: http://www.kernelinsights.com/makkhichoose

    That said, you should feel free to enable/disable chrome extensions . (MakkhiChoose is a browser extension)

    How to disable/enable chrome extensions:

    Here is a video walk-through

    Here are the steps in text:

    1) Go to chrome://extensions/ (type it in your address bar, where you normally enter urls ; you can also go to settings)

    2) You will see all the extensions installed in your browser here. To disable, just remove the tick-mark in the box next to the extension. To remove entirely, just click on the trash can icon. That will take care of it

    3) I suggest disable-ing an extension first to see whether it helps or not, and then removing it if you think it is not of use

    Hope this is clear! Cheers

    S Gaddam,
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